The Wellness Center PDX



The sciatic nerve, the longest nerve in your body, plays a vital role in connecting the lower back to the legs and feet. Sciatica arises when this nerve experiences compression or inflammation, leading to a range of symptoms predominantly in the lower body. Recognizing the triggers and symptoms of this condition is pivotal to obtaining the right care.

Beat the


of Sciatica


Common Culprits Behind Sciatica

Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

A narrowing of the spinal canal in the lower back.

Muscular Spasms

Involuntary contractions or muscle tightening in the lower back or buttocks.

Pregnancy-related Shifts

Physical changes during pregnancy can exert pressure on the sciatic nerve.


A condition where a vertebra slips over another one.

Disc Degeneration

Deterioration of spinal discs can impinge on the nerve.

Understanding Sciatica

Spotting the Symptoms

  • Hip Discomfort: One of the prevalent signs hinting at sciatic involvement.
  • Increased Pain During Sitting: Discomfort may intensify when seated for prolonged periods.
  • Numb Sensations: An unsettling lack of sensation or tingling, primarily on one side of the body.
  • Muscular Weakness: Often isolated to one limb, indicating nerve involvement.
  • Prickling Feelings: Tingling or pins-and-needles sensations can spread, sometimes reaching as far as the toes.
  • One-Sided Discomfort: Sciatic pain typically targets one side of the body, although it can radiate to different areas.

Our Healing Approach

  • Chiropractic Adjustments: Aligning the spine to alleviate nerve compression and improve overall spinal health.
  • Regenerative Medicine: Harnessing the body's natural healing potential to mend damaged tissues and nerves.
  • Tailored Physical Activities: Customized exercise regimens to strengthen back muscles, enhancing posture and reducing nerve strain.
  • Massage Therapy: Relaxing tense muscles and promoting blood flow to facilitate healing.
  • Rehabilitative Therapy: Guided exercises and techniques aimed at restoring mobility and preventing recurrent issues.

Did You Know?

Sciatica is more common in individuals between the ages of 40 and 50.

While sciatica is often associated with pain, some people experience numbness or muscle weakness without pain.

Maintaining good posture can reduce the risk of developing sciatica, as it reduces pressure on the lower back and the sciatic nerve.

Frequently Asked Questions​

Is sciatica a temporary condition?

For many, sciatica can be a temporary condition, but its duration and severity vary among individuals. Early intervention often leads to quicker recovery.

Yes, specific exercises can help relieve sciatic pain. However, it’s crucial to consult a professional to ensure the activities are safe and effective for your condition.

In most cases, non-surgical treatments alleviate sciatica. Surgery is typically considered when conservative treatments don’t yield results or if the condition worsens.

Contact Us Today

Your well-being is our top priority. If you suspect you're grappling with sciatica, don't hesitate. Reach out to us for a personalized consultation. Trust in our proven techniques and expertise for a holistic approach to sciatic relief.

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